Specialist Manufacturers of Tapered Wood Pellets & Suppliers of Branded Woodwork Tooling

Standard 8mm - 80mm

Appleby Woodturnings are specialist manufacturers of Cross Grain Wooden Plugs also known as Tapered Wood Pellets, Tuts and Bungs, used for the surface concealment of screw and bolt heads.

Produced as singles not multiples on a stick thereby saving you time and money and providing a higher quality finish.

We talk hole size, so all sizes of pellets are to suit your exact hole drilled (e.g. if you drill a 12mm hole it's our 12mm pellet you require) as each pellet is slightly smaller at the bottom compared to the top.

With over 60 species of timber available ranging from the most popular Oaks (European & American White), Softwoods/Pine to the more unusual Balau, Accoya, Cumaru, which are all available to purchase in hole sizes from 8mm to 80mm.

Our pellets are HAND turned, HAND sorted and Quality checked before dispatch meaning every new pellet meets our high standards of quality control and upholds our reputation as the market leader in Tapered Wooden Pellets.

Large stocks of the most common timber species and sizes with 300,000+ pellets in stock ready for immediate dispatch.

Fast Production of all Specials (8mm hole size to 80mm) typically 48 hour turn around.

Timber Species
  1. European Oak 44 items
  2. American White Oak 44 items
  3. Softwood / Pine 44 items
  4. MDF - Brown 25 items
  5. Sapele 43 items
  6. Tulipwood 43 items
  7. Cedar 43 items
  8. Larch 36 items
  9. Birch 43 items
  10. Accoya 43 items
  11. Afromosia 1 item
  12. Agba 11 items
  13. American Black Walnut 43 items
  14. American Brown Walnut 2 items
  15. American Red Oak 5 items
  16. Angelim 4 items
  17. Ash American White 43 items
  18. Balau 43 items
  19. Bamboo 2 items
  20. Brazilian Cedar 1 item
  21. Camphor 1 item
  22. Cherry 43 items
  23. Chestnut 7 items
  24. Columbian Pine 43 items
  25. Cumaru 12 items
  26. Dark Ash 1 item
  27. Dark Steamed Beech 2 items
  28. Douglas Fir 43 items
  29. Ekki 2 items
  30. Elm 5 items
  31. English Ash 1 item
  32. English Oak 43 items
  33. Fumed Oak 1 item
  34. Garapa 3 items
  35. Greenheart 44 items
  36. Guariuba 1 item
  37. Hemlock 28 items
  38. Idigbo 28 items
  39. Ipe 43 items
  40. Iroko 43 items
  41. Kapur 2 items
  42. Koto 2 items
  43. Lauan 3 items
  44. Mahogany 29 items
  45. Mahogany WEST African 1 item
  46. Maple 43 items
  47. Massaranduba 43 items
  48. MDF - Green 6 items
  49. MDF - Red 2 items
  50. Meranti 28 items
  51. New Zealand Pine 1 item
  52. Opepe 43 items
  53. OSB 29 items
  54. Paint Grade 2 items
  55. Parana Pine 4 items
  56. Pitch Pine 4 items
  57. Plato 1 item
  58. Pollmeier Beech 3 items
  59. Poplar 3 items
  60. Red Balau 2 items
  61. Red Grandis 2 items
  62. Redwood 44 items
  63. Southern Yellow Pine 7 items
  64. Spruce 52 items
  65. Steamed Beech 30 items
  66. Sweet Chestnut 4 items
  67. Teak 43 items
  68. Thermal Wood 2 items
  69. Utile 7 items
  70. Wenge 43 items
  71. White Beech 8 items
  72. White Pine 1 item
  73. Whitewood 2 items
Qty per Box
  1. Appleby Woodturnings 1454 items
  2. Stanley 1 item

Plugs in 3-4 Days

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Contact Us

Appleby Woodturnings Limited

Units 3-4 Rinkway Business Park

Rink Drive Swadlincote

Derbyshire, DE11 8JL

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